How to learn English effectively?
By: Mega Anindyawati
Student of English Department, Airlangga UNiversity
English is an international language that is used all over the world. It is important and needed to communicate with people from different countries for certain purposes. Hence, you have to master the four English skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. All of the skills must be mastered to be fluent in English. These skills can not be separated one another.
Here are some ways to improve your English skills:
1. Watch TV program or English movie and listen to English broadcast carefully. It is a very helpful program and a good way to exercise your listening ability. Try to understand what they are saying without reading the Indonesian subtitles.
2. Read any books in English which you like, whether it is a novel or other genres of books. It helps you to enhance your reading skills. Also, it is important to increase your vocabulary since it helps you to say or write something in English.
3. Be diligent in practicing speaking. Practice to speak anything you want to say without hesitation. Look for someone to talk to. For instance, you can exchange ideas and share experiences with your friends. Your courage to speak is important.
4. Practice to write what you have read or write your diary in English. In addition, read some references about how to write English as well. It supports you to master writing.
5. Create extra opportunities to practice English. You can join activities such English conversation club and join English competitions. It facilitates you improve your English skills.
6. Self-study. Another activity supporting the success of the study is self-study. If you realize the importance of self-study, you will automatically practice it. By doing so, your ability will improve. You will gain self-confidence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing English.
Finally, I hope that your dreams of gaining English ability will come true.
Good Luck!
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